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 Jelena Kimsdotter. Icone
 Mostra personale

  Museo Archeologico di Montecchio, Montecchio di Giano dell'Umbria (PG)
  31 maggio - 30 giugno 2015
La mostra è inserita nell'ambito della manifestazione "Le Calende delle Fave"

I am an art teacher, artist and icon painter.
I was born in Latvia and educated in Russia and Finland. For 3 years I studied at an art school in Russia and at a pedagogical university for 5 years. In Finland, Valamo, I learned the techniques of icon painting at an orthodox convent.
For over 20 years I have taught art as a schoolteacher in Latvia and Sweden and lead art courses and icon courses in Sweden.
I create my art from many different materials and use a variety of techniques to express myself such as: oil painting, drawing, silversmithing, leather collage, relief, mosaics and icon painting.
The motives in my paintings are always associated with emotions and portray connection between the older and the modern time periods. In my creations I convey the changes in time, emotions, culture but also the continous values for example beauty, faith, existential questions in life. I am very interested in ancient art forms like Egyptian art, Renaissance art, icons and architecture.
I hope that my art gives you as a viewer inspiration and awakens your interest for classical and emotional art.

Jelena Kimsdotter
Rassegna stampa
Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 28x42 Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) b
Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) e
Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) f Jelena Kimsdotter, Annunciation (part.) g Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (2014) tempera all'uovo su legno, cm37x55
Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) b Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) c
Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) e Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Crown of Thorns (part.) f
Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 27x43 Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) b
Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) e
Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) f Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) g Jelena Kimsdotter, Christ with Maria Magdalena (part.) h
Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 33x39 Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) b
Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) e
Jelena Kimsdotter, Mandylion (part.) f Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 20x24 Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (part.)
Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (part.) b Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (part.) d
Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria from Kataphyge (part.) e Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria the Praying Angel (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 20x27,5 Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria the Praying Angel (part.)
Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria the Praying Angel (part.) b Jelena Kimsdotter, Maria the Praying Angel (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 33x48
Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) b Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) c
Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) e Jelena Kimsdotter, St Dimitrios with St George (part.) f
Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (2014), tempera all'uovo su legno, cm 23x28 Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) b
Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) c Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) d Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) e
Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) f Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) g Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) h
Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) i Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) l Jelena Kimsdotter, St George and the Dragon (part.) m

Adelinda Allegretti: storico dell'Arte, giornalista, curator di eventi espositivi - CREDITS