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 Werner Bitzigeio (D)
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  Atahotel Varese****
  19 giugno - 6 novembre 2010
State borders and how one approaches them emotionally, the tension, that imposes itself reminds me of a distant past, when borders were even tighter. This fear of being exposed is what I try to document, by working with speech and formal packaging. The days, when these borders were the epitome of intimidation, extradition, discrimination etc., is the departing thought for me. I would like to search out the witnesses to history who document these times.
In a Speech-Tone-Sound installation I'm trying to convey these unsettled feelings.
(I presume, that the anxiety has diminished over the years, not only because we become accustomed to crossing borders, but also because borders have become looser, eventually borders have opened.)
In a progression of five time zones (1 time zone spanning 15 years) one can accustically experience German, and simultaneously Belgian, Luxembourgian witnesses of history, beginning 2006 and going backwards in time to before World War II. One can hear only how they truly experienced the borders then, and still do daily.
Differing nations are facing each other in speech and space. Speech is the sound medium for these three fronts; dramatic experiences attack each other from three sides in the room. Three nationalities are facing each other: with equal experiences, equal needs and yet separated for decades.
The Space-Sound-Installation begins with the oldest Belgian, German and Luxembourgian witness of history still alive. From the depth of time the dramatic feeling of uncertainty, extradition etc. intensify through sound and word repetitions. The consternation that the listener experiences is the goal of my Space-Sound-Installation.
I assume that the monologues become less spectacular the closer they move toward 2006; the monologues that I change dramatically and artistically through sound and word-color.
It is important to me, that 15 authentic reports are played out in a specific sequence.
The listener enters a pent-up room filled with sounds.
First soft and individually starting monologues locate the loudspeaker and with it the individual speaker.
Following each individual introduction of verbal contexts, all speakers turn down, determined to grab the attention of the listeners. Each protagonist authentically narrates his emotional experience with the boundary.
Volume and the number of narrators increase.
Absolute silence...
Then, ever-increasing up to the final...
The addition of sounds creates an orchestral character. Solos of emotionally-charged voices and herumphing will structure the whole.
Each loudspeaker documents a contemporary witness. Thus it is possible for the listener to follow the sounds and hear the feature important to him.

Werner Bitzigeio

Lo spazio
Questa nuovissima struttura Atahotels sorge a Varese, città-giardino ai piedi delle Alpi, circondata dal verde e da un’atmosfera tranquilla, a due passi dai più bei laghi italiani e svizzeri. La posizione strategica, di fronte all’Ippodromo “Le Bettole” ed a pochi minuti dal centro città, le sue 220 camere doppie & suite tutte con terrazzo arredato ed il centro congressi all’avanguardia fino a 1200 posti, rendono l’Atahotel Varese Business & Resort una tappa obbligata per l’uomo d’affari che predilige una location originale per la propria attività ed una meta attraente anche per il turista. L’offerta è arricchita dal Fitness Center attrezzato TechnoGym, dalla piscina riscaldata con idromassaggio e solarium, dal ristorante panoramico con sala modulabile fino a 500 posti e dal bar, per i momenti informali e di relax, nonché da parcheggio e garage fino a 300 posti auto. Connessione Wi-Fi con linea ADSL 8 Mega.

Centro città: 1.5 km. Stazione di Varese: 2 Km. Aeroporto Malpensa: 30 Km. Aeroporto Linate: 75 Km. Aeroporto Lugano: 30 Km. Uscita autostrada A8 Varese: 8 Km. Polo fieristico Rho-Pero: 45 km. Milano: 50 km. Confine Svizzero Gaggiolo: 12 km.

Tempo libero e località di interesse
Varese centro: 1,5 Km. Outlet Fox Town Mendrisio: 20 Km. Centro Commerciale Le Corti: 2,5 Km.
Castello di Masnago - Museo di Arte Moderna: 4 Km. Villa Mirabello - Museo Civico Archeologico: 3 Km. Sacro Monte di Varese - Santuario: 10 Km. Giardini Estensi e Palazzo Estense: 3,5 Km. Teatro Mario Apollonio, Auditorium Villa Panza, Salone Estense: Varese. Multisala Impero: 2 Km. Tennis Club Le Bettole: 1 Km. Golf Club Panorama 9 buche: 4 Km. Ippodromo Le Bettole: 50 m. Trekking a cavallo Club Ippico La Valletta: 6 Km.
Lago di Varese: 7 Km. Lago Maggiore: 20 Km. Lago di Como: 30 Km. Lago d’Orta: 52 Km. Casino di Campione d’Italia: 31 Km.
Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose IX (2008), ferro trattato con acido, cm 135x3x28 Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose VII (2000), acciaio, cm 28x12x220 Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose VII (2000) e Zen XIX (2005)
Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose XII (2008), ferro, cm 135x3x28 Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose XI (2007), ferro e tela, cm 220x37x40 Werner Bitzigeio, Anabiose X (2007), ferro, cm 110x2x28
Werner Bitzigeio, Densus III (2002), ferro, cm 60x35x280 Werner Bitzigeio, Densus III (2003), ferro, cm 60x35x280 Werner Bitzigeio, Kubik 1.00 m (2008), ferro, cm 100x100x100
Werner Bitzigeio, Kubik IV (2009), ferro, cm 200x200x250 Werner Bitzigeio, Kubik I (2007), ferro, cm 60x60x60 Werner Bitzigeio, Nothing VII (2008), ferro, cm 14x14x18
Werner Bitzigeio, Nothing V (2008), ferro, cm 10x10x30 Werner Bitzigeio, Nothing XII (2008), ferro, cm 15x15x30 Werner Bitzigeio, Nothing X (2008), ferro, cm 10x8x30
Werner Bitzigeio, Schrottkugel XII (2006), acciaio, diametro cm 60 Werner Bitzigeio, Steeladdition IX (2008), tubi d'acciaio saldati, diametro cm 25 Werner Bitzigeio, Steeladdition VII (2008), acciaio saldato verniciato, cm 45x35x16
Werner Bitzigeio, Steeladdition XIII (2008), tubi di ferro saldati, diametro cm 30 Werner Bitzigeio, Stille I (2003), rete elettrosaldata zincata, diametro cm 80 Werner Bitzigeio, Zen VI (2008), ferro, diametro cm 130
Werner Bitzigeio, Zen V (2008), ferro, diametro cm 160 Werner Bitzigeio, Zen V (2008) e Zen VI (2008) Werner Bitzigeio, Zen XIX (2005), ferro, diametro cm 30
Werner Bitzigeio, Zen XXIII (2005), acciaio inox, diametro cm 60 Werner Bitzigeio, Zen XXIV (2006), acciaio, ferro, diametro cm 60 Werner Bitzigeio, Zen XXVI (2008), ferro, diametro cm 60

Adelinda Allegretti: storico dell'Arte, giornalista, curator di eventi espositivi - CREDITS